The Potty (Training) Fairy
We all love fairies, they make scary things not so scary and add a little bit of magic to any story. So, it only makes sense that a very special mommy dreamt up “The Potty Fairy” while going through the potty training phase with her own kids, and now grandkids!
While potty training might be scary (mostly for the parents) at Peepeepants, we are all about finding fun ways to go through that phase and were excited to connect with the author of “The Potty Fairy” Mary Pap (love that her name is Mary because that’s my mom’s name too!) has some REALLY fun tools that can help any parent make potty training a fun and rewarding time. We wanted to learn more so we sat down and asked a few hard-hitting questions to get to the bottom of why these products work.
Who is/was your biggest inspiration for writing The Potty Fairy book?
My biggest inspiration for the story about The Potty Fairy is a once little girl, Muriel and her mother, Nancy. Muriel was a resistant potty learner and her mom was so frustrated. Nancy and I met for coffee and she shared her frustration with Muriel. That night when I went to sleep, I had a beautiful dream about potty fairies delivering underwear to children. The dream made such an impact on me, I wrote the story the next day and delivered to Muriel with a pair of cute underwear. She potty trained that weekend. She loved the concept and it worked. After that, when friends would potty train their children, I gave them a handwritten story and a pair of underwear.
What do you think makes your book unique to other potty training books out there?
The Potty Fairy is similar to the “Tooth Fairy” and “Elf on the Shelf” but is applied to potty training specifically. The Potty Fairy taps into a child’s developmental period when imaginative play is so important. The storybook can be combined with our enhancement products that bring the story to life. We have Potty Fairy dolls, Potty Fairy underwear and free crowns for children to make their own Potty Fairy Princess or Prince crown. The Potty Fairy is for boys and girls! Our storybook and products are culturally diverse as we depict children of all races and offer different skin tones for the dolls.
When will your book be available to order?
The Potty Fairy book is available for purchase on our website, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Jet, Walmart and a variety of other online stores around the world. Our publisher has printing sites around the globe so the book is available everywhere! The book is available in English, Spanish and French.
We have products to bring the story to life i.e.: dolls and underwear that are handmade. We are research manufacturing these products so they are more affordable.
Why is getting a special first pair of underwear so effective for kids? Should parents make it a point when starting potty training?
I believe that a special first pair of underwear is one of the most effective motivational steps you can take for a child. By offering special underwear, a child views the potty training process as special. They can be excited to move from diapers to underwear. Once my children and grandchildren received their special underwear there was no going back to diapers. They were so proud of their “big boy/big girl” underwear and would show people! In fact, one of my daughters got very sick right after potty training and had a hospital stay. When she woke up after surgery she was so upset that diapers had been put on her. It was a wonderful sign that she wanted her special underwear back on!
How did you become recommended by early childhood development teachers and a Pediatrician?
I am a PreK-12 Educator. My career path ended up in educational research, program development and implementation and teacher training. It was my good fortune to meet wonderful educators at all levels. I have provided online webinar trainings so that people can develop a potty training plan with the products. Feedback from these events have provided recommendations from all areas. I have a base of support to turn to which we all need. The book and products have been field tested in Preschools and at home with children and parents. When the product was first developed, we field tested and made modifications. The Potty Fairy products have been approved by teachers, parents, pediatricians and children. I continue to seek testimonials and endorsements to provide parents with a level of confidence in the products.
What is your number one piece of advice for parents starting the potty training process?
Prepare yourself by selecting a time to potty train that works in your schedule; read about different methods and select one that works for you and your child and your life style; sprinkle in motivational pieces and make the process fun. Focus on success and deal with disappointments but don’t make a fuss about it. Don’t bribe! Rather use the Potty Fairies to deliver notes, rewards and stickers. Let the fairies deliver the “goods” and you can partner with your child and be their best cheerleader!
Our story and products also include a song and poem that can help make the process fun!